Если есть возможность достаньте клочок старой одежды объекта. Нанесите на нее или скажите над ней:
«Rakif, Rakif, Barahiya, Barahiya, JalahTtha, JalahTtha, JamjamTsh, JamjamTsh, JamTsh, JamTsh, Zajara. By Him who opened your ears and eyes and created you from the fire of a scorching wind. Hasten before wrath is sent upon you, by Tarmoos, by the Power that al-'AzTz having seen, he said:
'I know that Allah has power over all things', by the Power that He having sent to Mary, there appeared before her the likeness of a perfect man. Answer, O Shahir, and you, O Mashhoor and Hasan and Muhsin and Aboo al-Wahlm and Maymoon, and be commissioned to make N. fall in love with N.(ИМЯ), by the right of Ehieh Asher Ehieh, Adonai Tzabaoth, El Shaddi. Hurry! Hurry! Quickly! Quickly! This instant! This instant!»
Вымочите ткань в оливковом масле и спрячьте.